Saturday, April 27, 2013

Finally Gardening again

Since I didn't do any gardening last year I decided to make up for it this year. The beach house entry needed some major attention and while I am still working on the light, house number, mail box situation I can share the beautification of the front (and back) yard.

This is what we started with. Some shrubs and not much love or color. As you can see it really needed attention.

So I decided to put some grasses on the side, add some groundcover plants and some Lily's (my favorite flower). All in all, it hopefully will bring some color and year long blooming to the front yard. I always order my plants from since they have a fantastic product and customer service. All other plant needs are usually filled by my favorite local nursery here in NJ.

There is still other parts of the front yard that will also need to be addressed but since this is the area that you see when you walk to our front door it is the most important to me right now.

After removing the shrubs (and putting them on Craigslist for free) I could finally plant the new stuff and mulch around it. Now I just have to wait a few weeks/months. I hope that by the end of the summer I will be able to share an awesome update.

The side flower bed only had weeds in it and is now filled with grasses and some phlox for some color. Now I just need to find some ceramic animals and decorations for the outside. Maybe I need to spray paint some flower pots?

 I can't wait to share with out what it will look like eventually.

I don't have a before picture of the backyard but originally we only had shrubs and bushes here as well, which weren't really summery and which I had ripped out two summers ago. Last summer I planted  some grasses and some butterfly bushes. This year I added some ice plant to creep along the bottom as well as some Aster to get some color in the fall as well as a hydrangea.

This side still needs some attention and mulch.

Last question. I need to get/ repaint some pots. Since the house is yellow with some stone. Do I want green or blue pots?

Liebe Gruesse.

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